Is today going to be a sad day? The answer is up to you. You see,
today marks the last day that you'll be hearing from me telling you
about MyDD. I've told you all I can about MyDD and now it's up to
you to make a decision. Are you going to automate your business and
start making real money while spending ZERO time with delivery and
payment tasks, or are you going to dig yourself into a hole my
spending more and more time taking care of customer service issues
instead of growing your business. The answer is up to you.
You already know that MyDD is the fastest, easiest and best way to
automate your digital products business. You already know that MyDD
does all of this:
MyDD gives you the power of fully automated, unattended product
delivery 24/7 even when your PC is turned off! You're free to
market your business and enjoy your leisure time. That's what
selling on the Internet is supposed to be about.
MyDD uses artificial intelligence to verify that you actually
were paid, that the payment wasn't an e-check, and that the payment
was in a currency that you accept. No more getting ripped off by
payment scams.
MyDD does away with product theft because it doesn't use outdated
"Return URL" methods. You don't have to worry about your return URL
getting posted on hacking sites so thousands of people can steal
your product.
MyDD automatically makes targeted upsell and cross sell offers so
you can double or even triple your sales without raising a finger
or breaking a sweat.
MyDD has built-in list building features that automatically
collect all of your buyer's contact information so you can send
personalized offers, create e-zines, and use permission-based and
personalized e-mail to build your business.
MyDD is totally eBay compatible and it actually helps you raise
your ratings and saves you time when posting repeat auctions. It
works with Dutch Auctions and the Buy Now button.
MyDD empowers you to use multiple signatures so you can present
targetted offers to your customers every time you send an e-mail.
So I have to wonder: What's stopping you from trying MyDD out?
Is it that you actually don't want to increase your sales without
increasing the time that you spend on your business?
Do you like missing out on the additional money that up to 30% of
your customers would gladly spend with you if you gave them the
Do you think that automatically building a targetted list so
you can send personalized offers to all of your customers is a
waste of time?
Do you like having your product stolen and having to worry that you
actually got paid every time you make a sales?
Is it something else? If so, please let me know. Just send an
e-mail to me at {address}and tell me why you decided that MyDD is
not good for you. You'll help me make MyDD better for future
customers and I'll appreciate hearing what you really think.
Before I go out of your life forever, and the excitement of using
MyDD to automate your business begins to fade from your mind, let
me close by recapping some of MyDD's best features:
-You can have Unlimited Products
-You can have Unlimited Email Messages
-Customizable Messages through variables. (Personalization)
-Instant Delivery
-Transaction Log
-Harvest Customer Information
-Works 24/7/365
-No human intervention necessary
-Works with your computer turned off
-Easy "Click Next" Installation
-Easy to use administration panel
-Error Logging
-Pulls backend profits through very targeted upselling and
affiliate programs
-Instant follow-up
-Adjusts to any PayPal supported currency
-Checks price and currency before delivery to prevent fraudulent
-Scalable - Ability to install additional modules with the click
of the button.
-Return URL WILL NOT be the download page
-Prevent item and bandwidth stealing
-Receive Free news and marketing tips right from inside your
admin panel
-Write Email messages in either html or plain text to avoid
-Emails you each time an item is sold and sent
-Promote your affiliate programs through unlimited signatures
-Unlike other similar software, you don't have to update your
products' item numbers every time you list something on eBay. You
just create the items once and you are all set
-No button encryption is necessary
-No need to write a new message for each product. Just create the
email message(s) that you need and attach it to as many products
you like.
-This way when you change the message, it will automatically
change for all the products that are using it.
-Works with eBay like a charm
-You can create unlimited "Items for sale" with different titles
(Perfect for eBay auctions), with out having to modify your
inventory .Inventory stays nice and clean
-Change your download URL's with the push of a button
-Works with software, e-books, images, videos, mp3s, zip, and any
other downloadable file format
-You can even use this software to send customized confirmation
email for physical products as well, and upsell something else to
your customers.
I hope that you see how powerful MyDD really is and how it helps
you make all of the money that you hoped you would.